Friday, 21 October 2016

Top 7 Attractive Qualities Women Want In Men

qualities women look for in men
Oct 21, 2016 – Top 7 Attractive Qualities Women Want In Men
Have you ever asked yourself what your girlfriends see in you and why there are so many of them at the same time? You guess it’s the bulge in your trousers?
Don’t forget the next guy’s trousers also have a bulge. Why don’t you consider these qualities? They are some of the reasons why some men have girls buzzing around them and why others have to toil and sweat before they get a kiss a year.
Every woman, I can assure you, likes a romantic man. She wants a man who’ll wake her with a good morning kiss and a dozen beautiful roses. She loves a man who’ll phone her in the middle of a hectic day at work just to say ‘I love you’. She loves cards and treats, the whole works.
Show me a woman who won’t love a man with Eddie Murphy or Bill Cosby sense of humour. Every woman wants a man who can make her laugh and she can share her fun and happiness with. Who wants a dull soul who takes life too seriously?

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